OKULOUS-10 is the first manned spacecraft exploring beyond the Kuiper Belt. This site is the daily communication feed with Earth. OKULOUS-10 can only send text communications back to Earth. The crew is unable to receive communications.
Subscribers receive one daily communication (less than 400 characters) from the OKULOUS-10 spacecraft to their email.
Chapter 1 - First Transmissions: As the crew struggles with objectives and initial responsibilities, they attempt to understand where they are in the empty cosmos. The crew of Okulous-10 wakes from zombie sleep, finding themselves lost in the universe. Far beyond our solar system, they’ve received no signals from Earth since their departure. Alexandra Boldt, the Lead Engineer, brings the primary heating and comfort systems of Okulous-10 to life. Several crew members wake late from their zombie sleep cycles, while Anders Ardeen, the Lead Engineer, died of unknown causes during zombie sleep, decreasing the crew count to twenty four. Sibylline Foley wakes but refuses to speak as the crew undergoes initial heath assessments, while two others show concerning signs of early mental illness.
Chapter 2 - Primary Objectives: The crew adjusts to life in the cosmos. Leads are assigned for Navigation, Farming, Biology, and Planning objectives as Alexandra Boldt conducts repairs. Several succumb to mental illness. In the storage room, walls are dismantled by an unknown crew member. Sahra Tofleson makes plans for long-term food needs while Paulo Cucco manages to determine Okulous-10’s location: The Auriga constellation. Confusion emerges as Boldt realizes they are far from their intended location with only 25% of their fuel was used and less than 400 hours of engine runtime. Foley is put under medical quarantine after she tried to jam their signals. Meanwhile, there is still no communication from Earth.
Chapter 3 - A New Nebula: The crew works through various maintenance and operational challenges as Foley disappears after being quarantined. The actual position of most stars in Auriga are discovered to be out of position per the OKULOUS-10 primary database. Sahra Tofleson continues building up farming and food supplies. Uli Boden recovers from his memory loss and depression. Aditya Serinath sets new mission objective for exploring Wasp-12b, a nearby exoplanet orbiting Wasp-12. Several instances of wall panels being torn down threaten the crew’s morale and ability to function.
Chapter 4 - Wasp-12b: As Okulous-10 approaches the exoplanet Wasp-12b, the crew faces emotional setbacks while dealing with power and navigation challenges. The crew hopes to be the first humans to explore an exoplanet. As they continue their search for the missing Sibylline Foley, Allison Mishings becomes overstressed. Sahra Tofleson requests approval for an expanded farming operation, forcing Alexandra Boldt to update Okulous10’s power systems with limited resources. The rest of the crew adjusts to their new shifts and roles as they approach the planet-consuming star Wasp-12.
Chapter 5 - Into the Darkness: Cucco enters a depressive spell. Tofleson becomes a quiet leader. Foley remains missing, causing many of the crew to grow increasingly concerned about their mental and physical safety. Boldt begins her redesign of the electrical and water systems to accommodate Tolfeson’s farming expansion. Li confesses that she hears whistling from somewhere inside Okulous-10. The crew decides HoneyB will remain behind to continue studying Wasp-12 as new navigational targets are discussed. Rodriguez reviews terrifying data from the HoneyB probe. Cora recovers missing files from the navigation database, revealing the horror of Okulous-10’s timeline in the void.
This story is ongoing. As new chapters are completed, they will be posted here.
Launch Date: Unknown.
Current Location: Auriga
Receiving Site: E5R (ACTIVE)
Transmission Server: x071 (ACTIVE)
Server Storage: Pending.
Capacity (CHAR): 400.
Crew Count: 24 (originally 25)
More information on the crew can be found here.